gather command#

openfe gather#

Gather simulation result jsons of relative calculations to a tsv file

This walks ROOTDIR recursively and finds all result JSON files from the quickrun command (these files must end in .json). Each of these contains the results of a separate leg from a relative free energy thermodynamic cycle.

The results reported depend on --report flag:

* ‘dg’ (default) reports the ligand, its absolute free energy, and
the associated uncertainty as the maximum likelihood estimate obtained
from DDG replica averages and standard deviations. These MLE estimates
are centred around 0.0, and when plotted can be shifted to match
experimental values.
* ‘ddg’ reports pairs of ligand_i and ligand_j, the calculated
relative free energy DDG(i->j) = DG(j) - DG(i) and its uncertainty.
* ‘raw’ reports the raw results, which each repeat simulation given
separately (i.e. no combining of redundant simulations is performed)

The output is a table of tab separated values. By default, this outputs to stdout, use the -o option to choose an output file.

openfe gather [OPTIONS] ROOTDIR


--report <report>#

What data to report. ‘dg’ gives maximum-likelihood estimate of absolute deltaG, ‘ddg’ gives delta-delta-G, and ‘raw’ gives the raw result of the deltaG for a leg.




dg | ddg | raw

-o <output>#

Do not raise errors is results are missing parts for some edges. (Skip those edges and issue warning instead.)



Required argument