Alchemical Networks: Planning a Simulation Campaign#

The goal of the setup stage is to create an AlchemicalNetwork, which contains all the information needed for a campaign of simulations. This section will describe the composition of the achemical network, including the OpenFE objects that define chemistry, as well as alchemical transformations.

Like any network, the AlchemicalNetwork can be described in terms of nodes and edges between nodes. The nodes are ChemicalSystems, which describe the specific molecules involved. The edges are Transformation objects, which carry all the information about how the simulation is to be performed.

In practice, nodes must be associated with a transformation in order to be relevant in an alchemical network; that is, there are no disconnected nodes. This means that the alchemical network can be fully described by just the edges (which contain information on the nodes they connect). Note that this does not mean that the entire network must be fully connected – just that there are no solitary nodes.

Each Transformation represents everything that is needed to calculate the free energy differences between the two ChemicalSystems that are the nodes for that edge. In addition to containing the information for each ChemicalSystem, the Transformation also contains a Protocol and, when relevant, atom mapping information for alchemical transformations. The latter is often done through a LigandNetwork.


See Also#